Djungo is an app for making friends and finding love
Djungo had in early 2022 launched a dating app in Brazil with varying results. They now wanted to pivot, try the Swedish market and diversify their concept.
To help them achieve this, they hired Levels and I got appointed Lead Product Designer. I led a Google design sprint with my colleagues and the Djungo team. Together, we developed, tested, and validated a new concept for the app, which I then worked out to an MVP App, from UX to UI (with support from a branding designer with the brand logo, brand colours etc).
I quickly gained the trust of the client and was offered the role of CDO for the product after just one month of collaboration. Then I also got the opportunity to join to NYC to attend the Global Dating Insights conference and help pitch the products for relevant investors in the NYC tech space.
The work done for Djungo resulted in them re-valuing their app to 50mSek and taking in 15 MSek in their seed round from external investors. They also got merger offer from one of Swedens leading dating apps.
Google Design Sprint, Research, Testing, User story maps, flowchart
2022 - 2023
Agile team of Product Owner, Front end Dev, Backend Dev, Branding Designer
Changing target audience to Gen Z, we made a hypothesis - Proto Persona - of what we thought they valued
Dot voting
Crazy 8's - One concept in one minute during 8 minutes
We recruited 10 participants for the test from the service Feedback Frog. We stated that we wanted:
We did a 30 minute test where the user was provided with a prototype, shared their screen and then clicked through the prototype doing a "Think aloud". We did not tell them what the concept was, just that it was in "social", and they got to tell us how they perceived it. After they completed the flows, we asked them follow up questions in order to answer our Key Questions from the workshop.
Before going in to Mubadala Capital to pitch for investment
Enjoying ourselves a little! Boatride around Manhattan
Taking investment calls on the go